Tips and advice

CELEBRATE FATHER’S DAY! Here are 6 pampering treats for your deserving dad

Men's haircut in barbershop. Hair Care. Barber cuts the client.

It’s almost time to honour that extra-special first and most important man in your life. Maybe he showed you how to be a real man, or came to your rescue when you were at your most vulnerable, or he’s your ‘baby daddy’ heart-throb. Either way, he’s a father figure who often neglects himself in favour of his family’s needs, as well as a real-life superhero whose hearty smile and big hugs distract from the world he carries on his broad shoulders.

When it comes to pampering treats, naturally, we’d recommend introducing dad to (or stocking up his supply of) our imported London Grooming Company product range. Consider our soothing shave cream, or opt for our shampoo and conditioner made with real Argan oil which will soften coarse bristles and cleanse his beard to prevent irritation. But if he sports sporadic hairs begging to be pulled or deepening frown lines indicative of some much-needed R&R, we’ve compiled a few treatment ideas which offer various combinations of sweet pain and addictive pleasure.


  1. Barber cut and shave

When it comes to the art of manliness, there’s nothing cooler than getting regularly spruced up at a local barber shop – a sacred space without wordless judgement by the opposite sex – and with a general resurgence and prioritisation of male grooming, there’s an old-school barber (with modern edge) near you. Leave your old man in the skilled hands of a professional barber who will use bladed tools and specialist products to restyle his head of hair, meticulously chisel his beard and even work in a relaxing scalp massage. In no time, dad’s image will be bang on trend! We recommend visiting The Barber Shop Aspen or Barnet Fair where London Grooming Company products are used.

Men's haircut in barbershop. Hair Care. Barber cuts the client.


  1. Reflexology

No, it’s not just a simple foot massage. Reflexology, an alternative “ouch”-inspiring therapy to conventional medical treatments, sees a practitioner use her fingers to apply pressure to specific points on the soles of the feet where nerves end, palms of hands and even on the ears. The belief is that their techniques unblock energy pathways so as to relieve aches and pains and support the body’s own ability to heal. If your dad has been complaining about niggly backache and inflammation – or could use a bit of general maintenance – then a quick internet search ought to return several results of qualified reflexologists in your area. Joburg-based Reflexologist, Megs Hendry says her client base consists of men of all ages who reap the drug-free benefits as both a solution and prevention, and enjoy a noticeable reduction in overall stress.

foot reflexology treatment


  1. Threading

Open the windows to dad’s kind soul with threading, an eyebrow-contouring technique that’s gaining increasing popularity. Gone are the days when only the fairer sex invested time in shaping their brows. Now men are going under the cotton thread to banish uni-brows and remove fine stray hairs with utter precision. Walk into The Brow Bar where a skilled therapist will examine your father’s face shape and the state of his brows, and then work her magic. Threading can be slightly painful for first-timers but the ‘after’ effect is undeniably incredible, so he’ll be back for follow-ups for sure!

man's eyebrows threaded


  1. Yoga

This ancient practice which originated in India comes with countless physical, mental and spiritual benefits including improved posture, muscle strength and bone health. Seasoned yogis swear by its ability to “increase the flow of prana” and quite literally make you happier, so if you’re keen on seeing dad bend like a pretzel and go from grumpy to grinning and glowing, drag him off to a yoga studio in your vicinity. Do you stay in Joburg? Book your spots at the monthly 1-hour early morning yoga session at The Fairway Hotel’s spa rooftop in Randburg where professional instructor, Hajira Didat, will help him rediscover flexibility and explore a zen approach to stress management.

man doing yoga pose


  1. Facial peel and laser

It’s said that every person has three faces. A superficial chemical peel to brighten the complexion coupled with laser therapy to minimise broken capillaries will have dad admiring a more youthful face in the mirror, and in turn display loads of confidence in public too. According to Esti Kok, Patient Co-ordinator at the Melrose Aesthetic Centre, men are becoming more and more conscious of ageing gently, and their male clients are not afraid to experiment with the latest and best advances in beauty technology. They see results and they return to consistently strike years off their appearance.


  1. All-in-one pamper session at home

If Sundays are dad’s only mornings to sleep in past 7am, then he’ll be hesitant to abandon his pillow for anything less than a new sports car. Well, with a mobile therapist willing to conveniently set up her massage bed in the comfort of dad’s bedroom, there’s no need to meet his unrealistically high expectations. Mobile therapists arrive with all their own products and equipment, and they offer the complete package from waxing, manicures and pedicures to full-body deep tissue massage. Rea Mafisa, the founder of Ease Mobile Spa, explains that since most salons are geared towards women’s needs, her male clients are very grateful to have all these professional grooming treatments done in the privacy of their own homes.


“Happy Father’s Day” to your dad, from us!! 🙂

man being massaged